
Connected in PE

Pinterest has been a fantastic way for me to expand my PLN. 
Pinterest is a great way for me to share videos with the school staff.  I sent the school staff my Pinterest link and they are now able to access my "Movement for the Classroom" board.  On this board they will find quick and easy exercise videos to do with their students.  Pinterest has been a fantastic way for me to expand my PLN.
Use Pinterest as part of your PLN to share lesson ideas.

I Explore Web Tools
As part of my continual educational journey I explore web tools that will teach, inspire, help  and keep me connected.  This is a list of tools that I use.
  1. Flip board App
  2. Twitter and Tweetdeck
  3. Pinterest
  4. Livebinder
  5. Snacktools
    • Flip Snack
    • Photo Snack
  6. Diigo
  7. Skype
  8. Tag My Doc
  9. Vimeo
  10. YouTube
  11. Animoto
Twitter for PE
Twitter has been a great addition to my professional learning community.  Through twitter I have been able to keep up with the latest and technologies  PE apps.  I have participated in Twitter chats and have contributed lessons plans and ideas to others around the world.  It is an amazing tool to use.  If your stuck on a problem, have a question or just need support, tweet it out to the world an answer will appear.  If you are a Physical Education Teacher here is a short list of people or groups to follow on Twitter:

I just started using Pinterest this year when I was asked to provide an in service on Adapted Physical Education.  I found it to be an easy way to connect to my clients and to provide them with valuable and easy accessible resources.
16 Ways Educators Use Pinterest
From: Online Universities Blog

QR Codes or Quick Response Codes

I learned about QR codes when taking a course called Apps for Educators sponsored by (PBS) our local public broadcasting station.  I then continued to research QR codes via Twitter and through The Daring Librarian Blog.  The Daring Librarian is a great resource for Tech in the classroom.  Her QR Code tree is available on Flicker for FREE.  I encourage you to check out her website.

Last year I began using QR codes in PE.  I introduced QR codes to the school and to the parent community through a family fitness night activity.  They were a big hit.  One parent actually stopped other parents and taught them how to down load a QR code reader onto their phones and then led them through the scanning process.  I suggest if you try this, empower a parent in your district to do the same.  

QR codes are a great way to produce a lot of information in a timely, space saving fashion.  They are compact and can lead to web site, videos, pictures or you can leave digital vocal directions for the students. 

I used QR Codes and created a Healthy Halls project.  I left QR codes around the building for students and teachers.  During transition times, teachers were able to scan the codes with their SMART phones or iPads.  I was able to leave messages for the students about health, wellness, exercise, nutrition, and riddles.  They loved it. 

Here are more samples of QR Code Trees I used on family fitness night.


  1. How did you make the QR codes on the tree? Great idea!

    1. Hello Mrs. Curtiss, I follow a blog called The Daring Librarian She posted these fabulous QR Code trees. Lots of great stuff.

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