
Thursday, November 6, 2014

Cardio Bop Ball

A great fast paced game that infuses two levels of competition, running and throwing. Students are split into teams. Team members are numbered 1-4.
Instructor calls out a number. Those with the called number race around track and back to team.
Once back the student then picks up the team ball and tries to hit the target ball in the center of area. Throwing continues until the target ball is hit.
At this point, the game is reset and a new number is called.


  1. Do the kids have one ball each and chase their own ball after they throw it? Do they then go back to a hoop or designated area to throw ball at target? Are other kids aloud to touch ball or throw it back to the player throwing ball at target? Just need to know best organized way. My kids NEED strict and clear direction of what they can and can’t do

    1. Each team has one ball. No one is allowed to touch the ball except the thrower. I tell them this is a NO helping game because it would take away the exercise time of the player/thrower. they must ALWAYS return to their teams hoop to throw.

  2. Each team has one ball. No one is allowed to touch the ball except the thrower. I tell them this is a NO helping game because it would take away the exercise time of the player/thrower. they must ALWAYS return to their teams hoop to throw.

  3. If thrower misses, he/she must retrieve ball and return to hoop? Correct? do they continue until they succeed in knocking it down, or do they try once and then a new number is called?
