
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Components of Fitness

Students discovered that they needed a tremendous amounts of strength, flexibility and focus as they practiced different balances.

Students study 32 different static poses to do on the beam.
Quiet time on the Bosu Ball.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Hide and Go Seek Tag

Hiding in the shadows.
As a teacher of Physical Education I have struggled with my personal teaching philosophy over the last five years.  The big question I continually ask myself is "What is my purpose as a physical education teacher?"  I can come up with a list of answers such as

  1. To teach movement concepts and content
  2. To get kids moving
  3. Improve the health of today's youth
  4. Introduce sports, games and activities that might otherwise be unknown to the students
  5. Measure fitness and growth
  6. Prepare students for jobs in the exercise/health/fitness industries
  7. Teach students how to take care of their bodies for life
  8. Help students who need health/wellness and fitness for careers in the Armed Services, Fire and Rescue and Police Departments
But what about PLAY?  Is my job to teach kids how to play?  When they reach grade 1 and 2 shouldn't they already know how to PLAY?

Increasingly I find it hard not to play in physical education class.  I spend most of my time facilitating play activities while embedding all the state standards for Physical Education into the games the students are playing. 

Students move through the gym safely in the dark while playing Hide and Go Seek Tag.
Today in Physical Education we played Hide and Go Seek Tag.  When surveyed 90% of my students reported never to had played this game.  What?  How sad.  This is one of my fondest memories as a child, especially outside  in the fall. 
Students stack mats to create a hiding tunnel.
Equipment boxes quickly become hiding places.
Students borrow empty kitchen boxes.

I know there are many reasons why Play is becoming a lost part of childhood and this is a discussion for another time. What I really want to know  "Are any other elementary PE teachers experiencing this phenomenon?" Again I find myself teaching play activities and embedding content into the games I teach.  Kids need to know how to play.  As a physical activity specialist I feel it is my duty to Teach Play.  Below is a brief sample of my lesson.

Health related fitness components.

Today's Lesson: Fitness
Game:  Hide and Go Seek Tag
Content Covered in GameDiscussed before, during and after activity.
  • Cardiovascular Health- Running
  • Muscular Health- Setting up obstacles
  • Flexibility- moving into and out of hiding areas
  • Cooperation- Setting up game with small groups, fixing obstacles, sharing hiding spots
  • Identification of positive feelings associated from participation in a physical activity
  • Positive social interaction
  • Demonstrate conflict resolution strategies- rock-paper-scissors
  • Adapt game to needs of all players
  • Respond to appropriate and safe practices for self and class- check speed, look before running, never crawl on top of obstacles
  • Demonstrate ethical decision making  -follow rules established by group prior to start of game 
Counting to 10 under the teacher's desk while class hides.
Spying on the "Taggers".

Non stop Cardio!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Poetry in PE

The students wrote jump rope poems in PE during Jump Rope for Heart Month.  One poem was dedicated to Mrs. Novak, the school cook.
Mrs. Novak displays her poem.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

KSU Teachers Play the Crabby Patty Game

Kent State teachers played games that focused on fitness.  Students here at C.___ played the Crabby Patty game .  In crab position students had to pick up 'crabby patties' and carry them back to home base.  The students learned about muscular strength and endurance through this game.  When in group, the students were able to come up with reasons why they needed muscular strength at home.  "We need to carry out the trash cans and to help mom with the laundry" one student stated.  The students were also able to identify the monkey bars, fire pole and climbing walls on the playground as placed were muscular strength was needed.
What chores do you do at home that need muscle strength?

Crab race back to home base.

Searching for Crabby Patties.

Raise the Roof helps with leg strength.
Fitness games are exhausting.  

Jump Rope For Heart

As part of their Heart Health lessons, students view a video about a young girl who was born with a hole in her heart.  These videos really help student connect to the purpose of the Jump Rope for Heart Program.

A BIG thank to all the students for Jumping to a healthy heart.  We raised over $3,000 for the American Heart Association.  We will continue to jump through out the year as a way to stay fit, active and  heart - healthy.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Jump Rope Chart

 It's On!
The first and second grade students have officially challenged a High School PE class and the High School students have accepted.  The kids created a video and emailed the video to the high school physical education teacher.  Meanwhile, I tallied and charted ALL the jumps thus far.  We can not wait to add the High School class to our chart.  Click here for more information on jump rope for heart.  At this link you will be able to support our Jump Rope for Heart campaign and learn how to stay heart healthy. We will continue our Jump Rope for Heart fundraising through September.  Jump Rope for Heart forms are due back by Friday, October 5, 2012. Happy jumping!
Look how many this class jumped!

Students pause in the morning light to check out their class scores.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Jump Rope

Students our jumping for heath and fun and world records.  As a kick off to our annual Jump Rope for Heart Program, I have challenged the kids to test their jump abilities, determine their high score (consecutive jumps) and then try to beat that number.  Classrooms are now competing with each other.  The students have added all their scores together and are comparing their heart healthy jumps to the neighboring rooms.  One class went as far as creating a challenge video and sending it to the high school.  The 2nd grade class is challenging a high school physical education class to a jump off.  The video was so sweet.  The second graders jumped over 2,000 times and they asked the high school students to try to beat that.  I hope this continues through out the year.

Monday, September 10, 2012

QR Codes for Elementary PE

Last year I created QR Code Trees for a family fitness night that I hosted.
For more info on QR codes for PE, please see my Connect Journey page of this blog.  On this page you find a link that will help you create your own QR Code Trees from the Daring Librarian.
For those that teach secondary students check out the Physical Educator Blog .  They have great QR posters that are sport specific.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Physical Education vs. Recess

During physical education class students brainstormed the differences between PE and Recess.  Below are some of their ideas.  As a school, the students decided to describe PE as "a planned activity led by a teacher" and recess as "a place where we can make our own choices."  This was a very difficult lesson for the students.  They struggled to find the words to describe the differences between physical education and recess.  In the end however, they came up with some good stuff.


Monday, August 27, 2012

Responsible Personal and Social Behavior

Week one of school was a success.  The students were excited to be back in the gymnasium.  Other than my little fall on the clean floor, week one went off with out a hitch.  The students enjoyed the locomotor challenges and exploring ways to create and close space in the gym.

This week in Physical Education I will be targeting Ohio PE Standards 5 and 6 related to personal and social responsibility and the value of physical activity.  I chose to use pool noodle games to teach these concepts.  I am adapting my lessons from ideas described in the book Chicken and Noodle Games 141 Fun Activities With Innovative Equipment.  The games will invite the students to use skills related to throwing and catching, cooperation, conflict resolution, problem solving and social interaction.

Students work in teams to lift a ball.
Partners work together to carry a noodle to a target.
A team of 4 struggle to hold onto the ball.

Students try to move around the gym while stuck to a friend.
Success, "We picked it Up!"