
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Hide and Go Seek Tag

Hiding in the shadows.
As a teacher of Physical Education I have struggled with my personal teaching philosophy over the last five years.  The big question I continually ask myself is "What is my purpose as a physical education teacher?"  I can come up with a list of answers such as

  1. To teach movement concepts and content
  2. To get kids moving
  3. Improve the health of today's youth
  4. Introduce sports, games and activities that might otherwise be unknown to the students
  5. Measure fitness and growth
  6. Prepare students for jobs in the exercise/health/fitness industries
  7. Teach students how to take care of their bodies for life
  8. Help students who need health/wellness and fitness for careers in the Armed Services, Fire and Rescue and Police Departments
But what about PLAY?  Is my job to teach kids how to play?  When they reach grade 1 and 2 shouldn't they already know how to PLAY?

Increasingly I find it hard not to play in physical education class.  I spend most of my time facilitating play activities while embedding all the state standards for Physical Education into the games the students are playing. 

Students move through the gym safely in the dark while playing Hide and Go Seek Tag.
Today in Physical Education we played Hide and Go Seek Tag.  When surveyed 90% of my students reported never to had played this game.  What?  How sad.  This is one of my fondest memories as a child, especially outside  in the fall. 
Students stack mats to create a hiding tunnel.
Equipment boxes quickly become hiding places.
Students borrow empty kitchen boxes.

I know there are many reasons why Play is becoming a lost part of childhood and this is a discussion for another time. What I really want to know  "Are any other elementary PE teachers experiencing this phenomenon?" Again I find myself teaching play activities and embedding content into the games I teach.  Kids need to know how to play.  As a physical activity specialist I feel it is my duty to Teach Play.  Below is a brief sample of my lesson.

Health related fitness components.

Today's Lesson: Fitness
Game:  Hide and Go Seek Tag
Content Covered in GameDiscussed before, during and after activity.
  • Cardiovascular Health- Running
  • Muscular Health- Setting up obstacles
  • Flexibility- moving into and out of hiding areas
  • Cooperation- Setting up game with small groups, fixing obstacles, sharing hiding spots
  • Identification of positive feelings associated from participation in a physical activity
  • Positive social interaction
  • Demonstrate conflict resolution strategies- rock-paper-scissors
  • Adapt game to needs of all players
  • Respond to appropriate and safe practices for self and class- check speed, look before running, never crawl on top of obstacles
  • Demonstrate ethical decision making  -follow rules established by group prior to start of game 
Counting to 10 under the teacher's desk while class hides.
Spying on the "Taggers".

Non stop Cardio!


  1. Wow, luv this idea..wish PE can be this creative and productive for all kids.

    1. Thank you for the support. The kids at school love to play and I still can meet the standards and assess. It is a win-win.

  2. Yes! I find the same thing in my school. I am amazed how many of my childhood games they have never heard of. Additionally, we don't even have regularly scheduled recess time. Sometimes I find the need some free time during the period to explore their imagination and learn how to play with others without an adult directing the game.

    1. I have made it a personal mission to teach old school games. I also encourage parents and adults to allow the kids to "work it out". It takes time but in the end the students are better off.

  3. Absolutely epigrammatic. Everything is communicated so smoothly and with no defect.

    Professional Hide And Go Seek

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